CA: Rancho Bernardo Community Council pushes for state to change sexually violent predator placement policy

Source: 10/13/21

The Rancho Bernardo Community Council is joining several elected officials in advocating for state-level changes when it comes to placing sexually violent predators in neighborhoods.

At its Oct. 7 meeting the council unanimously approved sending a letter to the San Diego City Council, state Sen. Toni Atkins, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and California’s 57 other counties requesting an amendment to the California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 6608.

The amendment the council seeks would “allow local government entities to fully participate in the process of vetting potential placement of SVPs in their communities, to include voting against such a placement,” according to the letter.

“We further request that the State refrain from any further placement of SVPs until local government agencies can give input and have a vote on the matter,” the council wrote.

The letter and request for change was prompted by the state’s recent attempt to place the now 78-year-old Douglas Badger in a Rancho Bernardo home. He is a convicted sexually violent predator who officials have said admitted to committing at least 500 sexually violent assaults over several decades. He was convicted in 1981 and 1990 for some of his crimes. Following his latest release from prison in 1997 he has been in maximum-security state hospitals to receive sex offender treatments before a potential release back into society.

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Quick and easy solution……evaluate everyone for “sexually violent person”. I’m sure they will discover 99% are NOT dangerous.

In other words, they want the authority to prevent registrants from moving there.

We see this bottom up approach to svp release more and more. How ignorance prevails when embracing socialist policy by engaging in demands for civil commitment action upon the already convicted offender whom finished with the incarceration term from the top down then complain and demand further input from the bottom. All while completely denying ” additional punishment” wasn’t the underlying intent!

I keep tell people forced to register in California, next year when everyone is officially placed in their Tire’s law enforcement agencies and people in Society are gonna go hard on Tier 3 offenders, because anyone who’s placed in this Tier could be labeled a SVP, how did people with nonviolent offenses let the DOJ do them like that’, where’s the outrage wheres the protests.
Gavin Newsom could careless who got moved to Tier 3 and yall just let Politicians like him live nice and peaceful lives as you all suffer, 2022 is coming get ready because so are they.

Good luck

Last edited 3 years ago by AERO1

Actually Warpath you are right. Nothing wrong with a re-valuation. I hate to say it but these levels they put those on are a bit vain when you re-consider the facts. Hey I was raised up in Moonshine area in WV, live in VA now but this registry is bad for anyone that wants to press on in life plus get this liberty all squared out.

One of the reason’s I enjoy this forum is the many different views but all together much or all of this sex registry must go as it doesn’t do true justice and compounds things in many ways. This tier issue is like a rating scale of who’s worse than the worst.

Some may say its a rating of first class, second class,third class level which is a form of discrimination in itself.

The government created these labels based on myths and fear, now there’s uproar when a SVP comes to town. Who’s more of predator the one that did wrong or the people saying, not in my town with pitchforks? People have to stop being sheep because not everyone labeled a SVP is a dangerous creep.

Brandon actually some impressive answers have came about on here now and now one can get a better grip on the subject matter. Sure I worked out for park services in the hospataility area during my summers. Gave me a chance to see America on very little money and meet interesting people all over America.Took CJ. classes also since I was mostly in jail for being drunk alcoholism. One of my sisters was even dating a guy in the area growing up and their cousins came to visit when we were all growing up in the 60’s.
She and her family were from the Shella Vista area. I even got a chance to work out at Yosemite Natl’ Park myself. All that was back in the late 70’s and early 80’sand mid 90’s. summer jobs ya know with contract dates from start to finish for ones going back to college,etc. Some could even go on and work for the winter seasons if that was their choice. Met a lot nice folks.

This registry and even the make up of the registry is sort of lame from a criminal justice prospective and the use of an internet device. One has to look at this registry as ..Who’s calling the kettle black and it looks bad for government justice or are we all created equal. This registry has to go in many measures and deceptive ways as its very upsetting even to law enforcement code of honor.

Don’t get me wrong. During my drinking days growing up I was in jail with rapists and many other different types of people with many different offenses but if you learn by issues or mistakes the better one is.. This whole registry is one that is taking advantage of others thru a machine type inducer.

Now if Janice and her team want to post this she’s welcome but as the old saying goes the proof is in the pudding or do authorities have any values in true justice law and order in this computer game of de-valuation. When they ask for more pictures from just one’s profile that is a dead give away and I was not taken in by that all thought their are many other issues such how one’s understanding is and such. Now I don’t like class action suits and never really got into contract law but this whole deception makes it worse. Any family should be upset about much of this.